DCT – Rochester Folkus

Posted on by Downstairs Cabaret Theatre

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Who is TheatreROCS?
Blackfriars Theatre
Bristol Valley Theater
CenterStage Theatre at the JCC
Downstairs Cabaret Theatre
Gatesinger Company, Ltd.
Geva Theatre Center
hummingbird theatre co.
Kalidas (Indo-American Community Theatre Group of Rochester)
KeyBank Rochester Fringe Festival
OFC Creations
Out of Pocket, Inc.
Penfield Players
PUSH Physical Theatre
RAPA (The Rochester Association of Performing Arts)
Rochester Community Players (Shakespeare Players and Irish Players)
Rochester Latino Theatre Company
Screen Plays – Hollywood’s Golden Age on Stage
The Company Theatre
The Open Road Theatre
TYKEs (Theatre Young Kids Enjoy)
Unleashed! Improv
Webster Theatre Guild

The TheatreROCS Board of Directors
The TheatreROCS Board of Directors
•President — Donald Bartalo, hummingbird theatre co.
•Vice-President — Katelyn Machnica, Bristol Valley Theater
•Secretary — Chris McCormack, Blackfriars Theatre
•Treasurer — Jim Vollertsen, RAPA (Rochester Association of Performing Arts)

•Baal Bhagat, Kalidas (Indo-American Community Theatre Group of Rochester)
•Karin Bowersock, Bristol Valley Theater
•Marc Cataldi, Webster Theatre Guild
•Connie Kittle Neer, CenterStage at the JCC
•Gary Dewitt Marshall, Dark Blue Mondaze
•Brent Neeley, Gatesinger Company
•Lara Rhyner, Geva Theatre Center
•Jack Simel, Hourglass Play Reading Series
•Donald Bartalo, hummingbird theatre co.
•Mike Krickmire, Rochester Community Players
•Stephanie Siuda, Out of Pocket, Inc.
•Hector Manuel, Rochester Latino Theatre Company
•Richard Kendrick, Penfield Players
•Chris Kowalski, Downstairs Cabaret Theatre
•Freyda Schneider, TYKEs (Theatre Young Kids Enjoy)
•Heather Stevenson, PUSH Physical Theatre
•Karin Tuccio, Screen Plays - Hollywood's Golden Age On Stage
•Karen Dieruf, The Open Road Theatre
•Kerry Young, Unleashed! Improv
•Judy Zanin, Studio Z

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MuCCCThe Mystery Company
OFC CreationsSecond Time Around Players
Spotlight Arts
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