TYKEs (Theatre Young Kids Enjoy)

tykestheatre.org | 585. 461. 2000 |
1200 Edgewood Avenue, Rochester
TYKEs (Theatre Young Kids Enjoy) was launched in 2004 by Gina Donahue and Freyda Schneider — two seasoned professional actors/theatre administrators who have young children themselves. With many years of experience in the children’s theatre industry, they created TYKEs with true regard for children (theirs and yours!) and the sincere desire to make children’s theatre a uniquely positive, exciting, educational, and high quality experience. TYKEs adult professional actors have been performing in residence in the Hart Theater at the JCC since 2008.
The mission at TYKEs is to inspire an appreciation of the arts, foster an awareness of literature, and promote communications and social interaction skills while teaching important life lessons. The mission at TYKEs is to inspire an appreciation of the arts, foster an awareness of literature, and promote communications and social interaction skills while teaching important life lessons. TYKEs strives to make its performances accessible to all children regardless of their ability to pay.